BoundValue Property


Contains the value of a control when that control receives the focus.


object.BoundValue [= Variant]

The BoundValue property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. A valid object.
Variant Optional. The current state or content of the control.


Control Description
CheckBox An integer value indicating whether the item is selected:
  Null   Indicates the item is in a null state, neither selected nor cleared.
  �1   True. Indicates the item is selected.
  0   False. Indicates the item is cleared.
OptionButton Same as CheckBox.
ToggleButton Same as CheckBox.
ScrollBar An integer between the values specified for the Max and Min properties.
SpinButton Same as ScrollBar.
ComboBox, ListBox The value in the BoundColumn of the currently selected rows.
CommandButton Always False.
MultiPage An integer indicating the currently active page.
  Zero (0) indicates the first page. The maximum value is one less than the number of pages.
TextBox The text in the edit region.


BoundValue applies to the control that has the focus.

The contents of the BoundValue and Value properties are identical most of the time. When the user edits a control so that its value changes, the contents of BoundValue and Value are different until the change is final.

Several things occur when the user changes the value of a control. For example, if a user changes the text in a TextBox, the following things occur:

  1. The Change event is initiated. At this time the Value property contains the new text and BoundValue contains the previous text.

  2. The BeforeUpdate event is initiated.

  3. The AfterUpdate event is initiated. The values for BoundValue and Value are once again identical, containing the new text.

BoundValue cannot be used with a multi-select list box.